Timeline / 5 Weeks
Tools / Figma, Protopie, Premiere Pro
Team / Naomi Pleasure-Park, Natalie O’Rourke
Opportunities at your fingertips
Discover and bookmark upcoming work parties in parks near you. Plus, find approachable ways to explore new parks while you travel.
Discover and bookmark upcoming work parties in parks near you. Plus, find approachable ways to explore new parks while you travel.
Stay up to date on weather, traffic, assignments, schedules, and more with custom notifications. We keep all the info you’ll need for your adventure in one place so even first-time park visitors will feel welcome by knowing what to expect.
Receive tasks directly from your National Parks staff and track your progress along the way. Info from your orientation meeting is stored conveniently in the to-do list to guide your work.
Collect points for every task you complete and check in with a ranger to redeem them for prizes. Enhance your parks experience with rewards like camping passes, merchandise, and more.